Teal Tuesday, September 23rd, 2008. National Ovarian Cancer Awareness Day

Press Release---
For Immediate Release

Teal Tuesday, September 23rd, 2008. National Ovarian Cancer Awareness Day.

Khrissy Lupinacci from LI OCEANS Inc (Long Island Ovarian Cancer Education Advocacy Network & Support) launches a Nationwide Public Awareness Campaign calling September 23rd, the 3rd Tuesday of September “ Teal Tuesday”. Our goal is to promote public education and much needed awareness of the deadliest form of Gynecologic Cancer called Ovarian Cancer. Ovarian Cancer claims the lives of over 22,000 women each year, this year alone over 15,000 women will be diagnosed with this deadly disease.

Khrissy Lupinacci (a 6 year survivor of Ovarian Cancer and one of the founding members of LI OCEANS Inc) said, “September is National Ovarian Cancer Awareness month.” “ It is our hope that “ Teal Tuesday ” inspires millions of people to adopt this day to raise awareness of this deadly disease. “ We are in need of soldiers, it will take an army to fight this fight against Ovarian Cancer “ said Khrissy. “ We are in need of heros” our greatest asset in this fight against ovarian cancer is our caring and compassionate community at large.” We hope that individuals, busineses and corporations join us in our plight to save lives. “We ask for national and local partnerships to help execute this initiative and support this campaign, making the 3rd Tuesday of September “ Teal Tuesday”. We hope this campaign inspires individuals to join us in our fight and encourages grassroots activities within their own communities to “ think teal, talk teal, wear teal, save lives!

Saving lives, each and everyone of us has the power to save lives, to date there is not an effective nor 100 % accurate early detection test for Ovarian Cancer. We know that early detection can save lives, however, with the lack of an early screening test and lack of Ovarian Cancer Awareness, we are left with but one vital tool, our voice. Together we can educate one another and create much needed awareness. A Pap test does not detect Ovarian Cancer. You don’t need to be personally affected by Ovarian Cancer to help in the fight to educate, advocate and create awareness, you simply need to care. Educate yourself about the signs and symptons of Ovarian Cancer, call or visit your local or National Ovarian Cancer organization, arm yourself with education and awareness of the signs, symptoms and risk factors of the disease, spread the news.

Sadly the majority, 75 percent of women are diagnosed in the later stages of Ovarian Cancer; the five –year survival is only 30 percent.
LI OCEANS INC believes one is too many; we must educate and advocate so to eradicate this deadly disease. Please join us in saving lives.

We ask locally and nationally that others join us in our plight to create much needed awareness of this ruthless and relentless killer of women. On Tuesday September 23rd, please wear teal! Wear teal in honor of the thousands of beautiful women that are battling the disease, wear teal in memory of the precious lives of those who have lost their battle to this disease. Wear Teal to help raise public awareness of the often overlooked and unrecognized signs and symptoms of this disease. Wear Teal because you care about the thousands of Grandmothers, Mothers, Sisters and Daughters that will be diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer this year. Wear teal for the 22,000 women that will die from Ovarian Cancer this year. Wear teal, help save lives.

Teal Tuesday, the initiative to launch a national public awareness campaign to save hundreds, thousands of women from Ovarian Cancer. On September 23rd, Teal Tuesday please wear teal; tie teal ribbons or teal balloons within your community, place of business, office or front lawn. Encourage hospitals, businesses, companies, schools, churches, synagogues, restaurants, stores, corporations, government offices, employees and co-workers to wear teal. Contact newspapers, radio, and television. Encourage Members of Congress to participate & adopt this as an annual campaign. “ Our goal is that every woman is educated and made aware of the signs, symptoms and risk factors of Ovarian Cancer.” Said, Khrissy Lupinacci.

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